Sunday, June 5, 2011

Here We Go.

I have made a monumental decision.  I think that decision is relatively self-explanatory.  Everyone else is getting or has gotten married - no, seriously, everyone.  They all had cute little designer cupcakes at their receptions.  Hundreds of them.  And varieties of lemonades out of glass carafes.  Adorable.  I digress.  As each friend is lost to their new significant other, they leave behind only small little written updates proving they're still alive.  They move far away, disappear from Facebook... and yet every so often they proffer adorable stories, romantic gestures, newfound married-people wisdom and quirky glimpses of their new awesome lives... not to mention all the pinch-their-cheeks-they're-so-precious!!! pictures when the babies start popping out.  I appreciate this blog-life-update trend, because otherwise I would have no idea where half of the people I know even are anymore.  And reading up on everyone's lives is a great way to pass the time at work.  Google Reader, try it out... genius.  Again, I digress.  As it seems recently that I have become the only person on the planet yet to be married, I propose (pun intended) the following:  I will remind you all of what it was like to be single.  Now, currently, I'm not super-de-duper single, I'd say I'm 50% unhitched.  Awesome boyfriend, no ring.  Yeah, I'm going with 50%.  However.  My life, albeit mine alone, is still cool.  Probably cooler than some married people's, but I'm not one to make that judgement.  The purpose of this blog is not to rag on married people.  It's to prove that I'm still interesting and you all should still pay attention to me.  I don't mean that in a whiny-I'm-a-princess-brat kind of way, but in a hey-remember-those-good-old-days-when-we-would-leave-dead-flower-arrangements-on-people's-doorsteps kind of way.

Because let's be honest, once you start posting recipes, you're a goner.

Speaking of which, I made a killer jello salad for church break-the-fast today.  ;)

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