Monday, October 31, 2011

"I make bad look... so good!"

Once upon a time... and by that, I mean Thursday night, Nathan called.  He needed help with his costume, the one he had previously refused to tell me about.  I met him at Walmart at 9:30.  He was in the fabric aisle (not a good sign).  He gave me one guess as to what he wanted to be:  Megamind.  Of course!  It's been his favorite movie for months.  An animated movie, about a big-headed (literally and metaphorically) blue alien.  He looks something like this:

I left Nate's house around one in the morning, after having created what we thought was a pretty good replica... for a last-minute no-sewing project.  Fabric, liquid stitch, cardboard and aluminum foil.  And face paint.  THIS is the masterpiece:

Nate's roommate Josh was brainwashed after being forced to watch the movie several times.  So, he turned into Metro Man.  

It's Metro Man!

The two of them together were hilarious.  They really do make great roommates.  My favorite part is Josh's tape-wrapped shoes :)

We went to a party.  We saw my future roommate/fellow newsie (what I dressed up as, with her and Madi).

Spencer and Cheryl are Harry Potter addicts.  Can you tell?  :)

The genie and I!  "Can you see the glitter on my eyes?  CAN YOU?"  I love Sariah!

(photo stolen from Saundra)
 Oh look, the other two newsies (minus my suspenders, which did not really stand up to an entire night of dancing)!  And Megamind with his new facepaint.  All in all, it was a pretty fun Halloween weekend!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

CDA (Coke Drinkers Anonymous)

Hi, I'm Sarah...

(Hi, Sarah)

...and I have a problem..  I've heard it said "once an addict, always an addict."  Addictions are powerful.  Somehow your body becomes convinced you need this external influence to be happy, or in more extreme cases, to merely survive.  I saw an episode of NCIS at the gym the other day, where a girl was so stuck on getting a cocaine fix she was willing to take it from inside her dead brother's body (who had swallowed it to get it across the border).  It was like watching a train wreck.

On that disgusting note (I'll blame it on Halloween), I need to throw something out there.  I am an addict.  Not drugs, not alcohol, not anything as wild as from that show "Strange Addictions" (think soap eating).  I'm addicted to a seemingly innocuous, American-as-it-gets little devil of a habit.

Ridicuolous, isn't it? 

As a member of the LDS church, we follow a set of rules called the Word of Wisdom.  We don't drink, smoke, experiment with drugs, drink coffee or tea, and it even recommends a specific dietary style (grains, vegetables, with little meat).  I have no problem with following these rules, and I know that I've been blessed by not having been in situations growing up where the more extreme "mind-altering substances" were present (what I mean is, I went to/worked at Dunkin Donuts, but I just didn't party til 4am.  Make sense?) 

However.  Growing up, I never had an issue with caffeine.  We didn't have too much of it in the house (although I'm pretty sure my dad would down a 2 liter bottle each day at work... genetic predisposition perhaps?), but at parties/events/restaurants I wouldn't think twice about having a diet Coke.  It was a non-issue.  BUT.  Then I went to BYU.  BYU has an honor code which extends to the far reaches of every student's lives.  It dictates who you live with, who you can have in certain parts of your apartment (and when they can be there), and pretty obviously prohibited any kind of drugs or alcohol on campus or in students' apartments.  Caffeinated drinks weren't sold on campus.  It wasn't until I noticed the missing button on the soft drink machine that I realized some people see caffeine as a drug in the same yeah-it's-legal-but-that-doesn't-mean-it's-okay way I look at pot since I've moved to Colorado.

A few months (weeks?  hours?) into my freshman year at BYU, I knew I was in trouble.  I'd never depended on anything to keep me awake before, even after enduring four years of early-morning seminary (5am mornings anyone?), a part-time after-school job, homework and irregular stage crew schedules.  But then came college.  Classes.  Friends.  Boys.  General recklessness.  As soon as I found a friend going to Walmart, I tagged along and bought a case of soda, thinking it would help with those extra-early (10AM) mornings.

Fast forward three years.  By senior year, I was completely hooked.  I bought a 20-can pack each month (I only drank on weekdays...) and it was a well-known fact around the chemistry department that if I didn't have my Coke in hand, I was not to be spoken to for fear of unfiltered retaliation or mumbling.  It wasn't necessarily that bad, but I just wasn't awake until I'd had my Coke.  My lowest point was probably this:

Kidding.  A little.

Anyway.  Toward the end of senior year, I met two boys.  One was named Nathan, and he was pretty cute.  He didn't really approve of my caffeine addiction.  I know, I know, don't let others' opinions dictate your actions... but like I said, he was cute.  The other boy was named Mike.  Mike and I were fast friends, and he also called me on my habit.  I made a deal with Mike that I would stop drinking Coke after I graduated (only a month or two away at that point) and he promised he'd call to make sure I did.  Graduation came.  In the spirit of keeping promises and impressing boys, I quit cold turkey (although I don't know what turkey has to do with anything).  Mike did call me a week or two later to make sure I'd held up my end of the deal.  I had.  It was rough, but I did it.

Fast forward to present day.  It's hard.  It really is.  As of this moment, I've been Coke-sober for... 3 hours (today was an especially rough day, followed by an especially long night).  It was easy to quit and not think about it when I wasn't working in a place that has Coke just sitting there... free... staring me in the face...  I really have quit 98% of the way.  But the sound of that can opening, the fizz, the way it burns the back of your throat in that hurts-so-good kind of way... I'll always love it.  I'll always fight it, and sometimes I'll give in, but I will continue trying.

I know it's dumb.  But when I think about it, and how I struggle with a petty, non-life-threatening dumb little habit, it makes me appreciate the struggles that real addicts face every day.  I can't even imagine being addicted to something my body craved to the point that I would be willing to give up health, family, friends, and life for it.  And even after "winning" the battle, realizing the fight to not go back is never over...  It really is unfathomable.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Around the country in 30 days.

I feel guilty for not keeping up with writing... but I've been a busy little girl this past month.  Last minute decisions, caravan trips, family reunions, long-time-in-coming-weddings... all in the past month.  It's been unbelievable!  And exhausting.  But mostly fantastic.  More details to come, but here's a short history in pictures:  

One weekend I decided last-minute I desperately needed to have some girl time with my college love Ashley.  After a day of errands and Costa Vida and remembering that life is good, I enjoyed a quiet moment at the Provo temple.  I was the only one waiting in the baptistery chapel at one point.  How often does that happen?  It was a beautiful experience.

My grandchildren.  After "adopting" some ducks last summer, I had to stop by the duck pond at the edge of BYU campus to see how our little family was doing. 

Driving through Utah... I have come to not despise the mountains.  It's a pretty big step for me.

Next stop:  New York!  I spent Labor Day weekend with my grandparents and uncle.  There's nothing more relaxing than their house with nothing to do but read, cross-stitch, and listen to their stories.  A day in the city with Uncle Mark was the icing on the cake!

Ground  Zero.  Going to the city a week before the ten-year anniversary of September 11th was a sobering moment.  The strength and drive of those people humble me.

Two words... mmm hmm!

Yankees game with my favorite uncle?  Yes please!  I LOVE the new stadium!

Back to Utah for General Conference!  This was my attempt at an "artsy" edit of my photo of the Salt Lake Temple.  The caravan trip (three cars) we all took to get there was in itself quite the experience... I learned a lot that weekend.  And there's nothing quite like having testimony borne so strongly to you that it leaves you feeling like nothing could be more true than the words of the Prophet.

Probably the most exciting (and recent) adventure... CALIFORNIA!  I had been once before, to visit Nathan's family for Christmas break last year.  But he wouldn't take me to the ocean (in his defense, it was supposedly a three-hour drive) so until this week I'd never officially been to the other side of the country.  This is Laguna Beach... gorgeous!

The man of the hour.  We bonded while waiting for Rachel to have her hair done.

The princess herself!  We had to help her get dressed in a beach restroom for her bridals.  It was tricky to make sure the dress was kept clean while getting her into it!  She is an unbelievably beautiful bride.

The resort where she had her photos done... breathtaking. 

Tawnee showed us her stomping ground in San Diego.  A giant suspension bridge in the middle of the night?  Sure.  Ending the adventure with chocolate from Extraordinary Desserts downtown?  Perfect!

On our way to the wedding!

He really was giddy in love.  After two years of dating?  FINALLY!

Temple #3... the San Diego temple.  It looks like a fairytale castle!  

Best part of the trip?  Spending quality time with my long-lost best friends.  Meeting new ones.  Loving love!

I promise, more pictures/details later.  Chew on this for now!