Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Orders of business.

Life has been moving pretty fast these days.  It almost feels like I'm just going along for the ride. 

-  I've rediscovered pink sparkly nail polish.  It makes the day infinitely better.  (Working as a chemist, nail polish is impractical.  It's a small conciliation to be able to wear it now.)
-  I tried on my "skinny goal" pants today.  They were too big.  I only got to wear them once.  It's a little bittersweet.
-  I've come to love quiet.  Not just alone time in my room where I can still hear cars and people outside, but complete silence.  There's nothing quite like it, and it seems to be made more valuable by its rarity.  It's... restoring.
-  As of Monday, I've been working at the bank for six months.  Six entire months.  Part of me feels like I'm wasting time there, but I do enjoy it, and in the next six months I plan on getting two promotions.  We'll see where I can go from there.
-  To the (four) people who read this, I apologize; I feel like I've lost my funny.  I don't know where it went.  But once I find it, I'll be sure to let you know.
-  I'm still as much a four-year-old as I ever have been.  Pudding cups have been a daily staple, and I often interrupt conversations to point out funny things I see (or at least things I think are funny).  I had an immutable (yet unsatisfied) craving for Fruit Loops a few days ago.  Maybe one day I'll grow up.
-  I'm going to Connecticut tomorrow for the long weekend, to decompress and spend some time with my grandparents... and hit up a baseball game with my uncle of course.  I couldn't be more excited for a change of scenery.  I've been in need of some east coast love.
Yoga is amazing.  Tony Horton from P90X is crazy, but he made me love it.  Incorporating some of the moves into my daily stretching and our afternoon yoga sessions on the slow days at work have been a wonderful (and hilarious) addition to my day. 
-  I need to find more opportunities for service.  With all this free time, I could be helping others... and it would be nice to have an outlet for my extra energy.  What are some good ideas? 
-  I spent last night with a friend perusing Old Town, listening to street musicians, playing in the fountains, "interpreting" artwork and trying salted caramels.

 The adventure continued to a park where we found a hidden trellis covered in color-changing lights.  We laid underneath and looked up at the lights and the night sky, talking and laughing and soaking in the evening.  It was nothing short of exactly what I needed

In conclusion, life is looking brighter every day.  :) 

1 comment:

  1. Even if you aren't being "funny", I still like to read what you have to say. It's one of my favorite ways to keep up with old friends.
