I may or may not have recently or not so recently become obsessed with birds.
It may have something to do with the bridal blog I enjoy reading (don't ask) where many of the latest themes seem to revolve around vingate, chic, delicate, rustic... which obvi (inside joke with some old roommates, again, don't ask) leads to bird cages, nests, and the like.
It's funny how you can play with the shapes and colors... some of the birds below don't look like any bird I've ever seen (okay, yes, none of them actually do), but it still works. And it's still adorable.
This one is favorite:
Is it because they're so strangely proportioned and often awkward looking and at the same time beautiful and endearing?
This one speaks to me in so many ways. It screams of love and romance, but at the same time is vague, anonymous, and leaves so much to the imagination.
I think owls are the most vintage of all birds, probably because they always make me think back to the old Tootsie pop owl. And... I want that pin cushion. I don't even sew, but I don't care. It's amazing.
ANYWAY. I haven't had this kind of obsession in a long time. However, I think I've had it for longer than I even recognized. I bought these two little guys at Tai Pan Trading in the mall back in Provo almost a year ago... (Please note my photography skills are lacking. They're much prettier in real life).
And speaking of real life... I took this picture with one of my first cell phones (I'm trying to justify the terrible quality and small size of the photo) years ago, in Tennessee. There were these little sparrow-like birds that insisted on building quite intense nests in the little alcove near our front door. The parents would occasionally try to dive-bomb us as we went outside to get the paper, but other than those few near-death experiences the chicks provided us with much entertainment. At one time there were five or six little guys, all lined up along the edge of the nest because they were too big to fit inside.
And this should have been my final clue: this was a needlepoint I made for my grandma for Christmas last year. They love to watch the birds in their backyard (a genetic predisposition for my obsession, perhaps?), so I thought she'd enjoy a homemade gift. I'm pretty sure it was a hit, but then again what isn't with grandparents?
Well, that's all I have to say about this. I'm sure I'm not alone, but that doesn't make me feel any less crazy every time I see some bird craft/accessory/jewelry and desperately want to add it to my collection that I don't actually have.
The end.